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John Adams

Girls of the Golden WestGirls of the Golden West (Affiliate-Link),
Los Angeles Philharmonic, Nonesuch (Warner),
Audio CD, , 23,99 €

Collected WorksCollected Works (Affiliate-Link),
Adams,John, Nonesuch (Warner),
Audio CD, , 165,99 €

Shaker Loops/Short Ride/+Shaker Loops/Short Ride/+ (Affiliate-Link),
Alsop, Naxos (Naxos Deutschland Musik & Video Vertriebs-),
Audio CD, , 14,71 €

An Atlas of Deep TimeAn Atlas of Deep Time (Affiliate-Link),
Gier, Delta David, Cantaloupe (Naxos Deutschland Musik & Video Vertriebs-),
Audio CD, , 16,07 €

John Adams: Orchesterwerke - Tromba Lontana, Lollapalooza u.a.John Adams: Orchesterwerke - Tromba Lontana, Lollapalooza u.a. (Affiliate-Link),
Paavo Järvi, Alpha (Naxos Deutschland Musik & Video Vertriebs-),
Audio CD, , 12,81 €

City Noir / Fearful SymmetriesCity Noir / Fearful Symmetries (Affiliate-Link),
Marin Alsop, Naxos (Naxos Deutschland Musik & Video Vertriebs-),
Audio CD, , 14,99 €

Harmonielehre / The Chairman Dances / Tromba Lontana / Short Ride in a Fast MachineHarmonielehre / The Chairman Dances / Tromba Lontana / Short Ride in a Fast Machine (Affiliate-Link),
Simon Rattle, Plg Classics (Warner Music Austria),
Audio CD, , 29,99 €

John Adams - El NinoJohn Adams - El Nino (Affiliate-Link),
Lorraine Hunt Lieberson, Nonesuch (Warner),
Audio CD, , 15,89 €

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