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Philippe de Vitry

Motetten und LiederMotetten und Lieder (Affiliate-Link),
Sequentia, Harmonia (Sony Music),
Audio CD, , 25,90 €

14th Century Motets14th Century Motets (Affiliate-Link),
Orlando Consort, Saydisc (Naxos Deutschland Musik & Video Vertriebs-),
Audio CD, , 15,99 €

Splendeurs: Motets et ChansonsSplendeurs: Motets et Chansons (Affiliate-Link),
Sequentia, Dhm (Sony Music),
Audio CD, , 17,99 €

Ave maris stella - Marienverehrung im MittelalterAve maris stella - Marienverehrung im Mittelalter (Affiliate-Link),
Ensemble Estampie, Christophorus (Note 1),
Audio CD, , 21,83 €

Medieval Music from Aristotle to OperaMedieval Music from Aristotle to Opera (Affiliate-Link),
Concordian Dawn Ensemble for Medieval Music, MSR Classics,
Audio CD, , 23,34 €

A 14th Century Salmagundi [Blue Heron; Scott Metcalfe] [Blue Heron: BHCD1011]A 14th Century Salmagundi [Blue Heron; Scott Metcalfe] [Blue Heron: BHCD1011] (Affiliate-Link),
Blue Heron, Blue Heron,
Audio CD, , 18,61 €

Philippe De Vitry and the Ars Nova: 14th Century Motets by The Orlando Consort (1995-03-06)Philippe De Vitry and the Ars Nova: 14th Century Motets by The Orlando Consort (1995-03-06) (Affiliate-Link),
, ,
Audio CD, , 159,00 €

Anges Ou DemonsAnges Ou Demons (Affiliate-Link),
Philippe de Vitry, Bayard Mus (harmonia mundi - Musicora),
Audio CD, , 239,72 €

Weitere Produkte zum Thema philippe de vitry bei Amazon.de (Affiliate-Link)

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